Política de Privacidade

Here you will find our guidelines regarding how we collect information and data from our visitors and how we protect it. The purpose of this document is to help you make an informed decision about sharing information with us.

Initially, in order to use the services provided through the Site, user registration and/or registration is not required, however, access to some areas and use of some functions of the Site require the User to register. When registering, you are agreeing to (a) provide accurate, current and complete information about yourself, as requested by our registration form, including your email address; and (b) correct and update your information to keep it accurate, current and complete.

Our site collects personal information only when registration is carried out in the contact form or when the visitor voluntarily provides information by email. We may combine the personal information you provide with information from other services or third parties to provide you with a better user experience, including customizing content for you.

We may use cookies and other technologies to enhance your online experience and to learn how you use our services, in order to improve their quality. Our servers may automatically record information when you visit our website, including the URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of your request. We may use personal information for auditing, research and analysis, to improve technologies and our services.

We do not disclose any personal information, nor do we link your preferences, accesses and responses from your registration. When we use this information for statistical purposes, it may be shared in a consolidated manner and without any identification.

When we hire third parties to help us process your personal information, they are required to adhere to our Privacy Policy and other security measures.

Ensuring the privacy and secrecy of our visitors' information is very important to us.

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